En échange, ce sont jusqu'à 10 000 dollars de récompense qui sont promis aux apprentis chasseurs de prime. Précisons que la version française ne fait quant à elle pas mention du moindre montant, se contentant d'un sibyllin « programme de signalement de bugs basé sur un système de récompenses ».. Rengainez vos colts, c'est du simple marketing Bitcoin increased in value by more than 10% over the past weekend, and is nearing a 15-month high. Moreover, since the Libra is a "stablecoin" at the mercy of central banking monetary policy, it doesn't pose a significant threat to Bitcoin as an investment vehicle. Thus, a successful Libra is probably a net good for Bitcoin. In 1898, gold coins for 1 libra (10 soles) were introduced, followed by ½ libra (5 soles) in 1902 and 1 ⁄ 5 libra (or 2 soles) in 1905. These were issued for circulation until 1930. In 1918, cupro-nickel 5, 10 and 20 centavos coins were introduced, followed, in 1922 with ½ and 1 sol coins in .500 fineness silver.